Strategies for Tough Economic Times

by Deborah Millhouse, President, CEO Inc.Harry Truman is quoted as having said the following: “The only thing new in the world is the history we don’t know.” Understanding history is crucial to developing your strategy for the future. Remember the following Wall...

Planning for a Flu Outbreak

by Debby Millhouse, President, CEO Inc.The H1N1 flu vaccine has recently arrived in Charlotte. However, as anyone who’s ever gotten a flu shot knows, the shot doesn’t always work. The first flu pandemic since 1968 has been a tricky one to get rid of, with...

Get Involved

By Deborah Millhouse, President, CEO Inc.It is not enough in human resources and recruiting to hire good employees. We must hire employees who not only bring a good résumé, but who will remain good and productive while with our company. That means that those employees...

No Carrot Required

by Debby Millhouse, President, CEO Inc.Today’s work environment can at times be scary and unstable. As important as it is to employees to keep their jobs, it is equally important that employers be able to retain good employees. Owners and managers with hire-and-fire...

Important “Don’ts” in the Interview Process

by Deborah Millhouse, President, CEO Inc.When interviewing a prospective employee, there are certain areas that you are prohibited by law from asking about. Never ask an employee about the following areas:- Family or marital status- Disabilities- National origin or...

You’re Over-Qualified!

If you have been looking for a position in this candidate-rich environment, you may have been told “you are over-qualified for this position”. When I speak at Job Seeker groups, I would say at least 50% of the attendants have been told they are...