So you work out at the gym and eat a good balanced diet. Physically you’re doing great—but how’s your career health? It’s important to make sure that area of your life is also being tended to with monthly maintenance. Heather R. Huhman offers three easy and important things you can do each month to make sure your career is just as healthy as you are!

Whether your employer is offering career-development opportunities or not, you need to make sure you’re always growing and sharpening your skills by doing three things each month, writes Heather R. Huhman, The Grindstone.

  1. Review your skills, accomplishments and setbacks. You’ll see what you’ve learned, what you can brag about and what you need to work on.
  2. Develop new skills. You can volunteer, join a professional association, take a class or participate in a webinar in order to learn something new.
  3. Bolster your network. Reconnect with old contacts and make an effort to make new ones.

— Adapted from “3 Monthly Tasks You Should Do To Maintain Your Career Health,” Heather R. Huhman, The Grindstone.

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